Southwest Division II Girls Sectional Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Tue, September 27

The Grizzly Golf & Social Lodge - Archived on 11-19-2024 / White/Gold - North to West Mod.
Time Players
The Grizzly Golf & Social Lodge - Archived on 11-19-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Billups, Lily
9:57 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Mallaley, Jenna + McNeal, Nicole
Boeckerman, Casey
9:39 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Hurt, Laney + Kohler, Allison
Boomer, Courtney
8:36 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Haas, Libby + O'Leary, Mia
Brunetti, Bailey
9:30 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Leyendecker, Ana + Wang, Katie
Chalfie, Audrey
8:54 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Timko, Lucy + Zhu, Julia
DeBuys, Riley
9:03 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Donnellan, Kate + Yorn, Annie
Donnellan, Kate
9:03 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. DeBuys, Riley + Yorn, Annie
Haas, Libby
8:36 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Boomer, Courtney + O'Leary, Mia
Hurt, Laney
9:39 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Boeckerman, Casey + Kohler, Allison
Jain, Anushka
8:27 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Kessler, Abbie + King, Sophie
Jain, Riya
8:18 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Lohman, Emma + Oberson, Lily
Kellett, Grace
9:12 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Kelly, Ava + Rosenfeld, Emily
Kelly, Ava
9:12 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Kellett, Grace + Rosenfeld, Emily
Kent, Carly
8:45 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Motch, Maggie + Smith, MaKenna
Kessler, Abbie
8:27 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Jain, Anushka + King, Sophie
King, Sophie
8:27 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Jain, Anushka + Kessler, Abbie
Kohler, Allison
9:39 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Boeckerman, Casey + Hurt, Laney
Krieger, Kenedy
10:06 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Soller, Charlotte
Leyendecker, Ana
9:30 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Brunetti, Bailey + Wang, Katie
Lohman, Emma
8:18 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Jain, Riya + Oberson, Lily
Mallaley, Anna
9:48 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Neville, Janie + Smyth, Sigourney
Mallaley, Jenna
9:57 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Billups, Lily + McNeal, Nicole
Marty, Mia
8:09 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Rengering, Abby + Wright, Jocelyn
McNeal, Nicole
9:57 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Billups, Lily + Mallaley, Jenna
Motch, Maggie
8:45 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Kent, Carly + Smith, MaKenna
Neville, Janie
9:48 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Mallaley, Anna + Smyth, Sigourney
O'Leary, Mia
8:36 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Boomer, Courtney + Haas, Libby
Oberson, Lexi
8:00 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Rush, Sophie + Tyndall, Reese
Oberson, Lily
8:18 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Jain, Riya + Lohman, Emma
Pease, Lucie
9:21 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Rane, Anica + Smyth, Taylor
Rane, Anica
9:21 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Pease, Lucie + Smyth, Taylor
Rengering, Abby
8:09 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Marty, Mia + Wright, Jocelyn
Rosenfeld, Emily
9:12 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Kellett, Grace + Kelly, Ava
Rush, Sophie
8:00 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Oberson, Lexi + Tyndall, Reese
Smith, MaKenna
8:45 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Kent, Carly + Motch, Maggie
Smyth, Sigourney
9:48 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Mallaley, Anna + Neville, Janie
Smyth, Taylor
9:21 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Pease, Lucie + Rane, Anica
Soller, Charlotte
10:06 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Krieger, Kenedy
Timko, Lucy
8:54 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Chalfie, Audrey + Zhu, Julia
Tyndall, Reese
8:00 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Oberson, Lexi + Rush, Sophie
Wang, Katie
9:30 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Brunetti, Bailey + Leyendecker, Ana
Wright, Jocelyn
8:09 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Marty, Mia + Rengering, Abby
Yorn, Annie
9:03 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. DeBuys, Riley + Donnellan, Kate
Zhu, Julia
8:54 AM White/Gold - North to West Mod. Chalfie, Audrey + Timko, Lucy